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K-12: A Day in the Life of a Student 2022

Over the course of the month of May, I will spend one day at every grade level. I will shadow a student throughout his or her entire school day...sometimes even from bus stop to bus stop.  We have such a rich educational program - inside and outside of the classroom - that this experience will help illuminate both the depth and breadth of learning. In addition to the course schedule, I will also get a chance to participate in lunch, recess, special programs and even extra-curricular activities.  As we focus on learning for every student every day, please follow this blog the capture "A Day In the Life of a Student."

The pictures on this landing page reflect the K - 12 journey. It is my hope that the stories and images of "A Day In The Life" help describe the incredible changes that take place over those 13 years.

- Superintendent Brian R. Miller, Ed.D.

A Day in the Life of A Student

Pine-Richland High School (PRHS) 11th Grade

It is a bit of a rainy Friday as we get closer to the end of the 2021 - 2022 school year. In homeroom today, the “Calm App” was used as students arrived with a background mountain scene and peaceful music. This is a daily habit and a relaxing way to begin the day. The homeroom students then enjoyed the  PRTV morning announcements.

History Class
US History: 20th Century to Present
In Mr. Ervin’s class, students are studying The Red Scare and McCarthyism from the late 1940s and early 1950s. Students analyzed images from publications at that time period. For example, the image in this photo was published in 1947. They were asked to interpret this historical image through a present-day lens. The imagery and propaganda in these publications were used to influence and inform US citizens.

English 11
This class started with a PEAL (Point, Evidence, Analysis and Link) EAL EAL writing assessment for the following prompt, “Using a major theme or motif from the novel Of Mice and Men, explain how this theme or motif is developed through the characters of Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife.” Mrs. Spehar and Mrs. Delp co-teach this particular class. Following the assessment, the class discussed the background information for American Playwright August Wilson as preparation for a review of Fences. August Wilson was born and raised in the Hill District of Pittsburgh. He won a Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award for this play. As one of the students shared, “his plays have universal themes” for all people. Students will begin the play next week.

Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry
Students are preparing for the final exam next week. An open-ended item to start the class: “A boat is caught in a storm at Point A. It is sending a distress signal to two Coast Guard Stations at Points B and C that are 50 miles apart on land. If m<ABC = 31 degrees and M<BAC = 54 degrees, find the station closest to the boat.” Mr. Brower encouraged students to use notes, formula sheets and other tools to work through the multi-step solution to this and other practice problems.

Environmental Science
Mr. Myzak prepared a warm-up question for the class and then moved directly into the Microcosm Lab. Student teams have constructed their microcosm and are measuring water quality through a lab activity of their “microcosm.” In the analysis, students are explaining the role of a keystone species in an ecosystem, trends in water quality and potential limitations of the microcosm model ecosystem. As another learning activity, students are creating a children’s book to explain a concept from the environmental science course.


Veterinary Sciences (12:25 - 2:30 p.m.)
The AW Beattie Career Center offers about 20 different programs. I had the opportunity to participate in the Veterinary Sciences program today. This program has students from all nine sending school districts. The program includes classroom training and lab work. For example, there were four canine patients today that received physical exams (e.g., skin, eyes, ears, nose/throat, teeth/gums, legs/paws, cardiovascular, etc.). The patients also received a bath. Students work in teams of three or four to complete the work. Here are two of the “patients” and a view of the lab:


Final “Day in the Life”
With today’s visit, I have finished thirteen days in thirteen grades since the end of April. It has been a remarkable experience to see the progression of educational programs from kindergarten through 12th grade. The staff's focus on students, relationships and content is incredible. The positive environment and culture among students is outstanding. I will prepare and send a brief video summary 

Pine-Richland High School (PRHS) 12th Grade

Several years ago, the high school shifted the approach to homeroom so that students would have the same homeroom teacher for all four years. Ms. Demsey has been with her group of students - with a slight adjustment due to the pandemic - for that time period. This approach gives an opportunity to strengthen relationships with the teacher and between the students. My schedule today will give me the chance to spend half-day with two different seniors and “bounce back-and-forth” between schedules.

social studies

AP United States Government and Politics
Prior to student work on final individual projects, Mr. Goldsmith started the class with current event discussion of US and China relations and the current White House trip to Asia. The history of China and Taiwan was reviewed for background information and then a discussion was held about recent meetings and dialogue on the diplomatic tour. The discussion focused on economic, foreign policy, political and military topics in the region.

AP Environmental Science
For the final activity in this course, Mr. Dugger has provided students with three options (i.e., environmental engineering project, children’s story, or a “one-pager” chapter summary). Some students are evaluating the potential for solar power at PRHS. Others are studying topics such as an integrated trail system and composting. Students were also asked to write a letter to future students in this course to provide tips and tricks for success. They will describe how the course works and strategies to stay organized and provide an overview of the AP exam experience for this particular course. Mr. Dugger also has individual conversations with each student prior to the end of the year. Finally, students worked on a courtyard maintenance project.


AP Psychology
Following the AP exam each year, Mr. Roberts introduces a final project for his students to design the “ideal high school.” Students work in groups and apply course content to address the following: physical design; methods of instruction; curriculum; organizational structure; and creativity. Teams are expected to clearly explain the underlying psychological principles. For the purpose of this project, the students do not have financial constraints to the design principles.


Students are preparing for the final with a quality review of key concepts from the year. Mr. Converse designed seven stations with practical questions for statistical analysis. For example, a coffee and hot chocolate vending machine is designed to dispense 10 ounces of liquid. With 20 samples, students were asked to construct a 95% confidence interval to answer the question, “Is there evidence that the machine is shortchanging customers?” Students could work individually or in teams to solve the review problems.

AP Physics C
Students are designing a diorama that depicts a relevant moment from an idea that led to a Nobel Prize accomplishment. Mr. Perry offered various perspectives on prize winners and other matters of physics. A summary of the theory/experiment connected to that award must include: year of discovery; year prize awarded; significance to the study of physics; historical context of the discovery; and various details related to the physicist.

TV Production (PRTV)
As part of the daily schedule, Mr. Koehler and 14 students produce the morning announcements. Roles include: executive producer; director; technical director; floor director; camera persons; audio technician; various graphic technicians; lighting; script/teleprompter; and anchors (main, weather, sports and lunch). Students rotate through each role every two weeks.

Arrival and Modified Schedule
The high school was operating on a modified schedule today due to the Keystone Biology Exams. Students actively enrolled in a biology course - regardless of grade level - take this state exam at the end of the course. As we progressed through the day, we again saw the diverse set of courses available through the PRHS Program of Studies. Students have flexibility in course selections with the schedule. The diversity of courses occurs with different pathway options and with the number and type of elective opportunities.


Honors Chemistry with Lab
The students just finished a unit on titration and submitted an Inquiry Titration Lab report. As they entered Mr. Simko’s class, each student took a playing card(s). The class is now preparing for finals through a review of content and labs over the course of the second semester (e.g., chemical reaction labs such as combustion, single replacement and synthesis). Lab finals are designed to show growth with lab proficiency skills over the course of the year. To assist in the review, students reference class notes and lab materials. The playing cards were used to randomly select students to answer questions. Finally, a multiple-choice Cahoot was used as a final review opportunity.

Metal Craft
Metal Craft
Students are crafting “spinner” rings. Mrs. Andreassi reviewed some of the key steps and sequence of design and fabrication. Examples of required skills and techniques include: sizing; cutting; forming; soldering; stamping; buffing; and polishing. Soldering is used to join two or more pieces of metal together. The propane torch is used to heat the metal and allow the low melting alloy to fuse together. The “spinner” portion of the ring construction allows part of the ring to actually move while the rest of the ring stays in place. There is a quiet and relaxed focus to this class.

Comparative Anatomy and Physiology

brain and trophies

For extra credit, students had the opportunity to create a “brain hat” with all of the aspects of the brain anatomy mapped. Mrs. Billie explained that it is sensory week in this class with a focus on different sensory receptors (e.g., touch, sight, smell, etc.) with the learning goal to compare and contrast the structure-function of cells of the nervous system. Today’s two-point touch lab focused on mechanoreceptors and the parietal lobe of the brain.

Themes in World History
In Mrs. Owens’ class, students are studying the theme of genocide. Part of the learning activity is to compare and contrast Armenian Genocide from 1918 - 1919 and the Holocaust from 1936 - 1945. The class discussed the timeline of key events happening in the world and also in this region. Students will complete a self-directed end-of-unit project as the culminating activity and assessment for this unit.

Honors German 3
Frau Giuliano opened class with a large group warm-up of adjective endings. Different colors were used to activate prior knowledge to reinforce that endings are not added to words that end in “a.” Students then apply the grammar rule in a translation exercise. Students also watch a sample “class” film trailer related to the learning goal of developing skills to follow plot and ongoing action within authentic literature. As the student productions are produced and viewed, the red carpet will be rolled out and awards will be earned!

Honors Algebra 2

teacher and student
Similar to many courses at this time of year, students are finishing the last unit of instruction and preparing for the final examination. The current learning goal is focused on solving rational equations. In addition, Ms. Lang provided review materials that reflect the scope of content on the final exam and also give students the opportunity to practice multiple-choice test-taking strategies.

English 10
Students continue to study Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. In this co-taught class with Mrs. McRoberts and Mrs. McCarthy, students are reading various parts of the play. The next learning goal is to identify and apply thematic concepts to the text.

Closing Thoughts
In this sophomore year “Day in the Life” experience and especially at this time of the year, you could feel the academic rigor and requirements. Students (and teachers) are preparing for the final assessments of the 2021 - 2022 school year.

Pine-Richland High School (PRHS) 9th Grade

Arrival and Activity Schedule
Like most mornings, it was a smooth (and quiet) bus ride this morning. Most students are relaxing, listening to music or even snoozing a bit. We had time to go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and talk before the start of the day. It was an activity period today at the high school so that seniors could go to the stadium for a class picture. At the high school, there is usually an activity period for special topics, group meetings and other activities.

Health and Physical Education
Students are working on a SMART goals project (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timebound). Most students had identified goals related to exercise, nutrition or stress management. Mr. Koss described the motivational impact of monitoring results and tracking progress. Students shared in small groups or partners with a few examples for the whole class. The class then moved to the gymnasium for a choice of basketball, volleyball, cornhole, badminton or cardio in the fitness room.

Gym / Class


Spanish 2
Senora Hines welcomed the class with some Spanish dialogue and conversation. Students are working on a history and culture project in class related to a decade in Spanish history (1950s through 2000s). They are working on preterito (“past tense”) and using the learning activity as an opportunity to practice (e.g., people, events, etc.). I was able to share some recent cultural experiences from a trip to Spain.

Honors US History
Working in small groups, students are completing a DBQ (Document-Based Question) related to analyzing primary and secondary sources. Related to the Spanish-American War, students focused specifically on contextualization. Placing the event in context is designed to help situate that event and more accurately understand the war (i.e., before, around and after). While almost all students were in-person, one student was able to actively participate from home via Google Meet and the interactive display board. Each team of students provided a whole class update about one of the documents so that all students could update their graphic organizer. Dr. Poole also shared with students that she and two other Advanced Placement teachers are evaluating the essays together to strengthen inter-rater reliability. This practice will help students develop a clear understanding of future expectations.

Honors Orchestra
Students are preparing for the upcoming orchestra concert. Mr. Belchick has delegated the “conductor” duties to several students. Approximately 40 students were present for today’s class to run through the concert selections. There was a sharp contrast between “The Avengers” and “Por Una Cabeza.”


Honors Biology
As final preparation for the Keystone Biology Exam (including a motivation speech), Ms. Demsey’s students played “Around the World” and Cahoot review games of biological concepts and vocabulary.  Ms. Demsey was able to reteach and review critical concepts based on the student response. At Pine-Richland, students take the Keystone Biology Exam in either ninth or tenth grade at the conclusion of the biology course.

Honors English 9
As the final unit of the year, each student will conduct research using credible sources. Mr. McKown gives each student the opportunity to select a question of interest in an area where the student does not already have background knowledge. For example, “How do neurologists map the human brain?” and “How did the continents get their names?” The websites used for this project must conform to specific database sources. The skills required for this project are critical for scholarly work and have practical application beyond high school. Students will use MLA citation format, select direct quotes and paraphrase each quote. For this class, the results of this learning activity will also serve as a building block for the final exam. This project is a great example of the application of skills learned through prior experiences K - 8 can then be applied to more complex assignments. The image to the right was developed during the ELA In-Depth Program Review.

Friday is “PT” day in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corporation course. The cadets (and I) had the opportunity to get stronger with: push-ups; crunches; squats; lunges; jumping jacks; etc. Major Morrison and Chief Gasperetto shared that enrollment for 2022 - 2023 at this point is 126 cadets (90 from PR and 36 from Mars). This number represents the largest historic enrollment for each group and in total. Several years ago, Pine-Richland School District and Mars Area School District entered into a crosstown agreement that allows Mars students to join this program. The combined enrollment has allowed the program to continue and grow. Great job today by the cadets!


Honors Geometry
Throughout the day, we heard about the challenge of the group quiz. The learning goal and assessment focused on geometric probability. Thank you to Mrs. Walker for the opportunity to show our knowledge!


May 18, 2022

Pine-Richland Middle School (PRMS) Seventh Grade

Arrival and Start of the Day
At all six of our schools, breakfast is available for students prior to the start of the day. Many students took advantage of this opportunity today at the middle school. Sodexo has been managing the food service program at Pine-Richland for over 30 years.


In seventh grade, there are three teams. We started today with the academic support period. This period provides an opportunity for students to study, complete extra practice, and finish homework. It is a really good opportunity to strengthen the skills of time management and organization. Students may also visit a teacher if they require additional help and support. This period and structure also provides the time for band, chorus and orchestra.

English and Reading
In English, students are engaged in a variety of learning goals and learning activities. One example relates to a “snowball story.” In this example, three writers work together to construct a story. The first writer looks at a picture and begins writing the story to include: setting; at least one character; and the start of the plot. The second writer continues with more information about plot, characters and conflict. The third writer then has the responsibility to resolve the conflicts and give the story a close.

In addition, students are finalizing their individual blogs. This project has developed over the course of the year and includes various types of writing for different purposes. Mr. Prucey shared a high-quality example from a seventh-grade student to help other students add finishing touches to the graphics, layout and overall design. Students will eventually share their blogs with their parents. Lastly, students worked in pairs or small groups on a learning activity that helps them apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to commercials. 


In addition to reading and English, there are a number of other classes and programs at PRMS to focus on reading comprehension, fluency, writing, listening and speaking. Students have opportunities to learn and grow through exposure to different programs and activities. Our teachers and support staff members work collaboratively to help every student. The design of the master schedule allows flexibility for students and staff.

Business and Computer Applications
In preparation for today’s visit, Mr. Srsic’s class developed a set of interview questions for me. We even had microphones for the interview. We discussed “why” the “Day in the Life” experience was happening. I was able to share the purpose for the visits to kindergarten through twelfth grade and the value of seeing the entire educational program through the eyes of a student. The class also asked about my job and background. The class then reviewed requirements for a travel brochure slide deck and presentation (i.e., name and destination; historical persuasive information; hotel and hotel room information; activity information; restaurant; and conclusion). Requirements for the assignment were outlined in the rubric.

Life Science
In support of scientific explanations, students are focused on analyzing claims and evidence for matter and energy in ecosystems. This learning goal was to describe how some organisms use light and carbon dioxide to make energy storage molecules through photosynthesis. Specifically, the students were using evidence cards to support claims related to the questions, “Why does deforestation lead to increased carbon dioxide in the air?” Students worked individually and in pairs for the activity. Mrs. Mason designed a Socratic seminar for tomorrow as a strategy for students to share and defend their analysis, claims and reasoning/evidence.


After a great lunch conversation with Mr. Minsinger and some students, it was all about slope (i.e., rise/run). Mr. Aglietti and Mrs. Hillegas work together in teaching math class. Students first interpreted whether the slope was positive, negative, zero or undefined. They then calculated the slope based on the change in points on the “y” axis and then the “x” axis. This learning activity required students to apply concepts and skills through multiple steps. A Cahoot was used to practice key concepts and to find the slope.

World Cultures


Konnichiwa. As students entered the classroom, they prepared for the arrival of Sensei (“Teacher”) Thompson…and followed some unit-specific classroom routines. The students are studying Japanese culture and language. The specific learning goal is to describe how/why a feudal society developed in Japan, to dissect how centralized feudalism changed Japan and to assess why Japan isolated itself from the world during the 1600s. Each student had the opportunity to practice some Japanese calligraphy at the end of class. Sayonara.

Similar to the eighth-grade experience, the day moved quickly at PRMS. Technology is integrated into the experience where appropriate. The use of interdepartmental teams creates a “school-within-a-school” environment. As a result of the design at Eden Hall, our sixth graders are ready for middle school. As a result of the design at the middle school, our eighth graders are ready for high school.