Advertising on Campus
All advertisements or other commercial activity on school district property done in conjunction with school district-sponsored events or publications must receive prior approval. Any advertisements or commercial activities engaged in without prior approval are prohibited.
All requests for advertisements on school property must be submitted via the Advertisement or Sponsorship Request Form to the following administrators 14 days prior to the proposed advertisement going to print or publication:
- Director of Athletics – All athletic booster organizations or athletic-related advertising (e.g., a sports team program)
- Building Principal – All building-based booster organizations or activity-based advertising (e.g., high school musical program)
- Director of Communications – All district-wide events or activity-based advertising
All requests for advertisements or other commercial activities must comply with all content restrictions and other requirements outlined in PR School Board Policy 913.1, including the construction, maintenance, storage and repair of any advertisements on school property.
*Booster groups or organizations accepting advertisements for the publication, placement or promotion in publications or other media distributed, produced or published by the booster organization shall not be subject to the approval process as outlined. Booster groups or organizations shall provide the school district with a final proof copy of the advertisement to be used so that the school district can verify that all content complies with PR School Board Policy 913.1 (Advertising and Other Commercial Activity On School Property) prior to final printing and distribution.