Appropriate signage includes those that promote school-site-based events, programs or activities conducted by district-sanctioned groups or organizations; contracted programs and services approved by administration and/or the school board; or programs and events pertaining to student/employee health and safety distributed by police, fire, health and other governmental agencies. Yard/Tent Signs
Yard/tent signs should not exceed 3 feet by 3 feet in size.
Signs shall not contain balloons, flags, windsocks or any other obstructing objects, including spotlights/lighting or sound/visual electronics.
Signs shall not be placed so as to block sidewalks, roadways, building entrances/exits or other access points to district facilities;
Signs should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved organization and/or event to be advertised.
Signs should not block existing signs.
Existing signage should not be moved or removed upon placement of the sign.
Signs shall not be placed more than two weeks prior to the advertised event.
Signs shall be removed by the requesting organization two business days following the event being advertised.
The district may limit the number of signs to be posted so as not to clutter or detract from the aesthetics of the building campuses.
Building principals or the Director of Facilities Management may determine the placement of signage at their sole discretion.
All advertising and promotional materials distributed by a non-sanctioned district group must clearly state and be visible (similar font size as the rest of the message) that the event or activity is not sponsored by the district (i.e. Not affiliated with Pine-Richland School District).
Banner Advertising
Banner advertisements should not exceed 3 feet by 6 feet in size.
Banner advertisements shall be restricted to the company’s logo, slogan and contact information.
Advertisements placed on district facilities by booster groups or organizations may be displayed/hung on the day of the game, contest or event (provided the displaying/hanging of such banner advertisements do not interfere with another booster group or organization who is also using the advertising space on the same day).
Advertisements placed on district facilities by booster groups or organizations must be immediately removed at the conclusion of each game, contest or event.
Other Advertising
Any other advertising opportunities that do not fall within the above yard/tent sign or banner advertising categories must be submitted to the school district’s administration for approval.
The request must be submitted on the school district-approved form at least 14 days prior to the advertising going to print or publication.
Signage that does not adhere to the guidelines above or poses any other safety risk may be removed by the school district in its sole discretion.