Logo, Color and Name
The Pine-Richland School District has a grand and honored history. What began as a single-room schoolhouse is now a district that features six buildings, a stadium and several ball fields. The district is home to many different associations, organizations, clubs, and programs representing students, staff members, parents, boosters, and community members who ultimately represent the Pine-Richland School District.
With that in mind, the district values preserving the integrity of its image and has established guidelines to help direct the appropriate use of the district logo and mascot images whether it be for apparel, promotional products, or usage on equipment, signage, uniforms and more.
Following the guidelines below will allow Pine-Richland School District groups to carry on our strong foundation while projecting a uniform, consistent representation. It is essential that the Pine-Richland name, logo, and images be used by Pine-Richland-sanctioned organizations only and that no alternative logos or images be substituted for use. The Pine-Richland School District reserves the right to pull any logo or image that is not used correctly per our guidelines below.
For any questions concerning the usage of the Pine-Richland name, logo and mascot, contact the Director of Communications at ehasinger@pinerichland.org and/or 724-625-7773, ext. 6202.
Guidelines for Use
If a district-sanctioned group or organization chooses to use the Pine-Richland School District logo, mascot, colors or name, all advertisements or sponsorships shall adhere to the general guidelines below as well as the detailed specifications and logo/mascot images found below.
- Use original district logo and mascot design files and do not redesign, redraw or alter them from the original designs.
- Re-size the logo and mascot images as needed, but retain all proportions to avoid distortion.
- Follow the color values listed within the specification guideline to the left when using the Pantone Matching System, Hexadecimal or the RGB (Red, Green & Blue) values.
- Hyphenate Pine-Richland. Do not incorporate the hyphen when abbreviated. Correct usage examples include: Pine-Richland, Pine-Richland School District, Pine-Richland High School, PR, PRHS, PRSD, etc.
- Copy or text should incorporate a standard font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Tahoma.
The district colors are green and white. PR Green Values PR White Values |
District Logo The district logo consists of two ribbons that make up the letters P & R. Logo Color Values
District Mascot The PR Mascot is a ram and has two versions. One version is a head and shoulder image of a Ram and the other is a head and shoulder image of a snorting ram. The PR Ram’s likeness should be reproduced in the official PR green and white or in a black outline.
District Font Font |