Pine-Richland School district publishes a number of eNewsletters during the school year, the Annual Report each summer, and a number of other parent and community communications throughout the school year.
The district communicates with families primarily electronically. Should you not have access to the internet or do not have an email account to receive notifications, please send written correspondence to the Director of Communications at 702 Warrendale Rd., Gibsonia, PA 15044. Please note your preferred method of receiving information (via mail or pick-up) and your mailing address and phone number.
Please direct all communications concerns and media inquiries, along with student achievement news, to Erin Hasinger, Director of Communications, at or 724-625-7773 ext. 6202.
eNews Registration
Sign Up Now »
Emergency Communications
Emergency notifications, including bus delays and weather-related updates, are made via a separate platform than eNews. We use emergency contact information listed in Sapphire. If you would like to receive phone and text alerts about emergency situations, be sure to check boxes for voice and text on each student's profile in Sapphire.
Friday Flash
- A custom newsletter is created for each school and is sent on Friday to families with children attending school at that building.
- This newsletter includes information from that school building (i.e., principal message, reminders from the office, etc.) and that school building's parent group (PTO/PSA).
- Information included in the Flash can also be found on the school's website, typically under News or on the calendar. Archived issues can be found on each school site under Parent Resources > Friday Flash.
The Week Ahead
- A custom newsletter is created for each K-6 building and is sent on Sunday to families with children attending school at that building.
- The newsletter is a reminder of events and deadlines occurring in the upcoming week specific to that building.
Student Activity and Booster News
- This is a custom newsletter created for all families with children in grades 7-12 (grade 6 is added in the spring, when appropriate) sent every other Thursday during the school year.
- This newsletter includes information regarding middle school and high school student activities and from booster organizations supporting middle school and high school student activities.
PR Happenings
- A custom newsletter is created for all families with children in grades K-12 and registered community members and sent every other Saturday during the school year.
- This newsletter includes Pine-Richland events and activities, booster group and PTO information (by request of the PTO) which may be of interest to the community, information from the Pine-Richland Opportunities Fund (PROF), and non-profit community organization information and activities.
Submit information for publication to Deadline is 8:00 am on Wednesdays.
Emergency Notifications
Please keep your information up to date in the Sapphire Community Portal. We do not encourage families to opt-out of the rapid call, as we use it sparingly. However, if you have a concern about receiving calls, please contact the Director of Communications at 724-625-7773, ext. 6202.
Updating Information in Sapphire for Rapid Call/Email
When you log in to the Sapphire Community Web Portal with a parent account, you will see your child's information including contacts, mailing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, schedules, report cards and attendance. Everything is in one place and right at your fingertips.
We have added the convenience of completing student data verification directly from your account. In addition, you can also choose which phone numbers will receive a rapid call.
If you have not registered for an account yet, see this guide for more information on establishing an account. To change your information in the system, follow these steps:
- Visit the Sapphire login page via this link to log in to your account.
- Click on the student name located on the left of your screen. You can verify and change all your children in one place simply by clicking on their names.
- Under Student Backpack in the left column, click on Change Student Data.
- Review information and make necessary changes. Remember to choose which phone numbers you wish to receive a rapid call via. An email will be sent to your child’s school notifying the office of your changes.
For more information on the student information system, download the parent guide. If you have questions regarding the use of the Community Web Portal, please email communityportal@pinerichland.