Drone Usage
The Pine-Richland School Board recognizes the emerging and important role played by small unmanned aircraft, commonly known as Drones, in various industries where the district’s students will later be employed. The Board recognizes the educational benefits of instruction about Drones and the importance of educating the district’s students in this technology. The Board also recognizes that Drones on campus pose a potential risk to the safety of students, members of the public and/or property, and adopts this policy to ensure safety and security on campus.
The purpose of this policy is to assist the Pine-Richland School District in promoting safety, reducing injuries and complying with federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies. In addition, the district recognizes its responsibility in regard to the protection of the privacy rights of students as provided in federal law and state statutes. Thus, the use of any non district-owned or operated UAS/UAV/Drone for any purpose on district property is prohibited unless authorized by the superintendent or designee.