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Facility Use

As Pine-Richland School District continues to grow, there is a growing demand for the use of facilities. To ensure that the buildings and fields are maintained at the highest levels,  the district requires an application process for use of building and athletic space. The process also allows for proper planning and a systematic approach.
Requests must be made 45 days in advance. For questions related to reserving facilities, please contact John Stoughton, Facilities Coordinator, at at 724-625-7773 ext. 6803.

Use of Facilities Policy

The board recognizes that school district facilities are provided by the taxpayers to meet the educational needs of the community. The facilities are primarily available to support the K-12 instructional and extracurricular programs. When such district facilities are not in use for these purposes, they may be made available to community or non-community-based organizations, subject to board policies, administrative regulations and prevailing fee schedules.  
Guidelines and restrictions found in Policy 707, and those appearing in and appended to the Pine-Richland Facilities Use Application and Agreement, are applicable to all user groups, except those which operate under separate or seasonal contracts.  The board updated the Use of Facilities Policy #707 on March 1, 2021. Please review this policy before proceeding with the application process.

Application Instructions

Facilities Request Application System

To ensure that the buildings and fields are maintained at the highest levels, the district requires an application process for use of building and athletic space. Before you begin the process, some important details include: 
  • All district buildings will be closed if school is canceled on your event date. You will not have access to the building.
  • During the school year, all locations are only available after classes have ended for the day:
    • 2:40 pm—Pine-Richland High School and Pine-Richland Middle School
    • 3:15 pm—Eden Hall Upper Elementary School
    • 4:00 pm—Hance, Richland and Wexford Elementary Schools
  • The PRHS Pool is unavailable to the public.

Application Process for Requesting Space

  • To request space, log into the online system and review building calendars to see what space is available. When ready, select space and date/time. 
  • If you need equipment (chairs, tables, microphone, etc.), please open the "Other Needs" tab after you have requested your room/space. Here you can check off chairs, tables, microphones, garbage cans, etc. If this information is not provided when the request is submitted, the district cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate the request.
  • The request must be received at least 45 days in advance (Class II, III & IV) and 14 days for Class I. Facility use requests that do not fall within the specified timelines will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • If opening a "new requester" account, please create an organization/client name utilizing the following parameters:
    • PR  - District-wide related groups
    • HS - Pine-Richland High School-related groups
    • MS - Pine-Richland Middle School-related groups
    • EH - Eden Hall Upper Elementary related groups
    • RE - Richland Elementary related groups
    • HE - Hance Elementary related groups
    • WE  - Wexford Elementary-related groups
    • For Class I & II Groups,  please use specific two-letter codes, all caps, at the beginning (Ex. "HS Student Government")
    • For Class III or IV groups, please use your company's or organization's name
    • If you already have an account and have joined another organization, please do not make a new account. Email so that the new organization can be added to your existing account.
  • Facilities Use administrators will cross reference your request for potential conflicts.  While a space may not appear booked on a calendar yet, there very well could be a prior-pending request for the same space at the same time as your new inquiry.  All things being equal, applications will be finalized in the order received.
  • Class I (school district) groups will always receive priority over requests made by Class II, III and IV Groups regardless of when requests are received.  Please refer to the Pine-Richland School Board Use of Facilities Policy 707 for a complete breakdown on the applicant-class hierarchy.
  • If requesting kitchen equipment, you must fill out this form and return to Sodexo Food Services Manager via email at If in need of catering, you have the option of contacting food services. Click here for details. You can also call 724-625-3550 with additional questions.
  • Current Insurance Certificates and/or follow-up questions should be directed to Use of Facilities Coordinator at or 724-625-4444, ext. 6803. Fax: (724) 625-1490.   All Class II, III and IV facility use applicants must at all times carry and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance, providing minimum single limits of $1,000,000 for personal injury and property damage for each occurrence, from a carrier acceptable to the district. As part of the permit application process, the applicant must submit a certificate evidencing the required coverage. If the certificate of insurance is not on file with the district prior to the start of your event, the facility use agreement may be cancelled.
  • If the administration determines that police or security services are required, the organization requesting use of the building or facility in question shall be required to contract independently with the district's security firm or the local police department as a condition precedent to use of such building or facility. The requesting organization may also be required to present written verification that the required security arrangements have been made prior to and as a condition precedent to its use of the building or facility requested.
  • Depending upon the size, nature and location of the event, the district will designate a facilities site manager to act as the district’s on-site representative. All applicants granted a facilities use permit are required to fully cooperate with the district’s designated on-site representative at all times and to follow his/her lawful directions.

Classification System for User Groups

To provide the greatest access and use of the school district’s facilities to those groups, organizations, teams and individuals who directly support the academic and extracurricular programs of the school district, a tiered fee structure has been developed based upon the following user group classification system:
Class I: Interscholastic athletic teams (as defined under Board Policy No. 123) and student groups, clubs, and other extracurricular activities (as defined under Board Policy No. 122) that are sponsored and approved by the Pine-Richland School District and its Board of School Directors.  The term Class I shall also include Board-recognized parent-teacher organizations or associations (PTO/PTA) that are affiliated with individual schools in the district.

Class II: Organizations which meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:

A. The organization constitutes an athletic program, team or other activity that receives funding from the Pine-Richland School District to offset a portion of its expenses. 

B. The organization constitutes a district-recognized booster organization that directly supports either (i) a Class I team, group or activity; or (ii) a partially-funded team, program or activity as defined in subsection (A) directly above.

C. The organization constitutes a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation or an unincorporated not-for-profit community-based group/organization that provides artistic, cultural, recreational, athletic or educational programs and/or activities to and for the benefit of residents of the Township of Pine and/or Richland Township. In order to qualify for Class II status under this provision, the group or organization must provide evidence demonstrating that at least seventy-five percent (75%) of its active membership and/or participants are comprised of residents of the Township of Pine and/or Richland Township.

Class III: For-profit company or individual that provides artistic, cultural, recreational, athletic or educational programs and/or activities to and for the benefit of residents of the Township of Pine and/or Richland Township. In order to qualify for Class III status under this provision, the group or organization must provide evidence demonstrating that at least seventy-five percent (75%) of its active membership and/or participants are comprised of residents of the Township of Pine and/or Richland Township.

Class IV: All other individuals, organizations and groups not included in Class I, Class II or Class III.

Onsite Restrictions

Applicants granted a facilities use permit under this policy are strictly prohibited from engaging in or permitting any of the following activities to occur during their use of the district’s buildings and facilities:

  • Possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs and/or alcoholic beverages.
  • Possession of weapons of any kind, regardless of whether the individual possessing the weapon has a license to carry the weapon.
  • Conduct that would alter, damage or be injurious to any district property, equipment or furnishings.
  • Conduct that would constitute a violation of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and/or any other local, state or federal law and regulation. 
  • Gambling, games of chance, lotteries, raffles or other activities requiring a license under the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act, unless such activity has been expressly authorized by the Board or administration.
  • Use of tobacco products inside school buildings or anywhere on district property, including without limitation on athletic fields and stadiums.

The district reserves the right to revoke the permit of any individual, group or organization and remove from the district premises any individual, group or organization that fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this policy and all other requirements and terms set forth in the Pine-Richland Facilities Use Application and Agreement.  Any individual, group or organization that violates the terms of Policy 707 shall be prohibited from any future use of the district’s facilities or buildings, except upon prior approval of the board.