Academic Achievement & Growth Report (Interactive Version)
Academic Achievement & Growth Report (PDF)
Presentation Document (PDF)
As a disclaimer to all who review this report, it is important to note the narrow focus on standardized achievement test results (i.e., PSSA, Keystone Exams, SAT, ACT, and AP). These are important and high stakes assessments. However, we also know that measures of school effectiveness and learning are far more comprehensive than the information in this report. Those measures include: classroom-based assessments; school climate; participation in extra- and co-curricular activities; graduation rates; attendance; discipline; post-secondary readiness; and more.
In 2017 - 2018, we are focused on making our mission actionable. We have asked, “How do we focus on academic learning for every student every day?” The academic system at Pine-Richland School District is illustrated by the following image:
Model for Teaching and Learning
- Curriculum
- Instruction
- Assessment
Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)
- ELA and Math
- Decision Trees
- Research-Based Interventions
Continuum of Services
- Special Education
- Gifted Education
- Other Programming