ESSA Federal Report
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)/Future Ready PA Index
The Pennsylvania Department of Education released the Future Ready PA Index as a method of evaluating schools in a more holistic manner than the School Performance Profile (SPP) alone, by utilizing a dashboard model to highlight how schools are performing and showing progress on multiple measures. The dashboard elements are designed to emphasize student growth measures focusing on all learners; English language (EL) acquisition among EL students; career awareness instruction beginning at the elementary level; unequal weighting of content areas in the current SPP; indicators of student success after graduation; student access to course offerings such as AP, International Baccalaureate (IB), college credit, and CTE programs of study; inclusion of locally-selected reading assessment (grade 3) and math assessments (grade 7) as additional snapshots of student progress; and on the offering of career pathways.