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Alternative Education

Policy 124: Alternative Instruction Methods

A student may elect to enroll in a course through alternative methods.  There are five categories under which this may occur:
  • Credit Recovery  
  • Acceleration  
  • Retake  
  • Foreign Exchange Program  
  • Enrichment  

The board may grant credit towards high school graduation for course work successfully completed through approved alternative course work in accordance with adopted policy.  Students shall request in writing to the building principal for approval of the proposed course. The course subject must be included in the high school’s planned instruction and relate to academic standards.

Please read more about the policy, application that must be completed prior, and the grid to better understand the process:


Grades K-6:

  • Course acceleration is recommended when students meet district-established criteria in mathematics. Waivers are not accepted.

Grades 7-12:

  • Students may take courses outside of Pine-Richland School District for the purpose of moving ahead in mathematics, science or world language pathways. A student will not receive credit for the outside course, but the student may move to the next course in the pathway. A student may accelerate in a course pathway, provided:
    1. The student assumes responsibility for all fees including tuition and textbooks.
    2. The building principal approves the course in advance.
    3. The course is offered by an institution approved by the Superintendent or designee.
    4. The student demonstrates readiness to move into the new pathway course.
  • Waivers are not accepted.
  • Course acceleration may result in gaps in student learning that could impact student performance in future courses of study. Parents, staff and students should collaborate and make data-informed decisions related to course acceleration.