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Assessment System

At Pine-Richland School District, we continue to improve upon our Learning System to systematically and effectively address the needs of all of our students.

venn diagram of curriculum alignment, instruction time, assessment feedback

Within the Learning System, our Model for Teaching and Learning contains our written curriculum, instruction and assessments, all of which are tightly aligned to maximize students’ potential for learning and growth in the centermost space referred to as our sweet spot marked by the red star.

We focus on the learning of every student every day by considering how these elements of teaching and learning work in concert to promote achievement and growth. This includes the incorporation of universal screeners to assess students’ baseline and to benchmark learning levels and growth throughout an academic year. 

Student Benchmark Assessments

All K-8 students participate in universal screeners for English language arts and mathematics through the Renaissance platform’s STAR 360 tool. This assessment is computer-adaptive and pinpoints a child’s level of mastery more accurately with each of the three benchmarks given in one year. 

These assessments provide instructional reports to help teachers differentiate based on individual student needs. The STAR 360 assessments are leveraged with students receiving special education and tiered supports at the 9-12 level. In addition to providing insights for classroom-based instruction, both STAR 360 and Progress Learning serve as predictors of performance on our standardized state assessments, the PSSA and Keystone. 

pie chart with circular arrow and text of data for action

In grades 3-12, students are exposed to the online testing practice modules and portions of the Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) for ELA, math and science. These state-provided assessments have the exact online format and structure of the actual PSSA and Keystone exams and provide students with confidence-boosting exposure to the assessment experience while also providing classes the ability to model and interact with test-taking strategies and content application prior to the real testing events in the spring of each year. 

Through the use of these screening assessments and tools, we are able to proactively identify the needs of our students and provide them with the most appropriate services, in consultation and collaboration with each student’s family. We pride ourselves on not just collecting and curating sets of data related to students, but also taking action based upon the identified needs of students. This concept is referred to as our Data for Action model.

Gifted Screening

In addition to the STAR 360 assessments for ELA and Math, the district screens all students in grades 2 and 5 to determine needs related to gifted education services leveraging the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The CogAT assessment will take place the week of October 7 for students in grades 2 and 5. This group ability screener is used outside of that process for any K-12 students being considered for gifted education once referred by a parent or educator. 

Assessment Calendar and Results

The universal screening and standardized testing dates for the 2024-2025 school year are shared below for your reference. Results of the first round of STAR 360 and CogAT screening assessments will be provided to families during parent/teacher conferences scheduled for November 4-5. Throughout the year, students’ universal screener and standardized testing scores will be published in the Sapphire Community Portal.

Spring 2024 PSSA and Keystone results will be mailed to families the week of October 7. Assessment results will be accompanied by a parent score interpretation guide. Aggregate results from these assessments will be presented in the annual Academic Achievement and Growth Report, scheduled to be shared with the community at the Academic Achievement Joint Governance Meeting in November.

Should your child be identified through these screeners and standardized measures as potentially needing interventions for remediation or enrichment, your child’s school will reach out to discuss these needs directly. If you have questions regarding your child’s performance, please contact your child’s teacher, counselor or principal. 

Schedule: August – December 2024

STAR 360 (Early Literacy)

August 26 – September 20 and December 3 – December 22

STAR 360 (Math and Reading)

August 26 – September 20 and December 3 – December 22

Progress Learning (Science; Algebra Course)

Grades 7-8
September 5 – 15 and December 3 – December 13

Progress Learning (Biology, Literature and Algebra)

Grades 9-12
September 5 – September 15

Classroom Diagnostic Tools

Grades 3-12
Online testing practice access only functional on PRSD network

CogAT 8 (Cognitive Abilities)

Grades 2 and 5
October 7 – 11


Grade 11 (offered to grade 10)
October 22

Schedule: January – June 2025

STAR 360 (Early Literacy)

February 24 – March 22 and April 7 – May 1

STAR 360 (Math and Reading)

Grades 1–2
February 24 – March 22 and April 7 – May 1

STAR 360 (Math and Reading)

Grades 3–8
February 24 – March 22

Progress Learning (Science; Algebra Course)

Grades 7-8
March 18 – 22

Progress Learning (Biology, Literature and Algebra)

Grades 9-12
March 18 – 22 and April 1 – 30


Grades 3-8
April 21 – 23


Grades 3-8
April 28 – 29

Science PSSA

Grades 4 and 8
April 30 – May 1

Advanced Placement Exams

Advanced Placement Courses
May 5 - 16

Algebra Keystone

Algebra students (typically grades 8-9)
May 14 - 15

Literature Keystone

Literature students (typically grade 9)
May 19 – 20

Biology Keystone

Biology students (typically grades 9-10)
May 12 – 13