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Personal Finance Classes

At the high school, we are proud to offer two courses focused specifically on personal finance. These course offerings provide students with the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to build a strong and secure financial future.

Personal Finance: 

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful money management. Making wise decisions and establishing short and long-term financial goals are essential “life skills” that young people often fail to benefit from during their early wealth-building years. Students learn to plan for their future through in-depth lessons on money management, banking, budgeting, credit, paychecks, consumer shopping, basic saving and investing concepts, and making major purchases such as education, automobiles and housing. Students participate in classroom activities, banking simulations and hands-on projects to fully integrate real-life applications. This course is recommended for all students regardless of their future career paths.

Open to: Grades 10, 11, 12

Credit value: 0.5 credits, semester course


Honors Finance and Investment:

This course expands upon basic financial knowledge acquired in the Personal Finance course. Finance is defined as the management of money. Topics include calculating payroll, the role of taxes, borrowing money, retirement planning, investing in the stock market, bonds, mutual funds, and risk management through insurance. Students participate in simulations including a Virtual Stock Market and hands-on projects. This course provides a breadth of knowledge in finance for students interested in building their future wealth and those interested in business or finance as a career.

Open to: Grades 11, 12

Credit value: 0.5 credits, semester course

Prerequisite: Completion of Personal Finance with an 80% or higher or teacher recommendation.