Special Education
Our mission is to provide a strong academic foundation which challenges students to realize their fullest potential and encourages them to become engaged, thoughtful citizens. Pine-Richland School District is a community where learning is challenging, people are inspiring and students are enriched by their experience.
- In the Pine-Richland School District every effort is made to provide students with a free and appropriate education in their home school.
- Instructional strategies, curriculum adaptations, and behavioral interventions are applied in the Least Restrictive Environment
- The Least Restrictive Environment can range from regular classroom placement with consultation services provided to the student and/or teacher to full time support within a special education classroom or a special school.
- Pine-Richland teachers promote the concept of inclusion by applying one of three best practices: in-class support, co-teaching, and consultation with classroom teachers.
- The IEP team decides which practice will best meet the needs of the student.
- All students have specific needs, characteristics and learning styles.
- All school staff and community members are responsible for meeting individual needs of students
- All students can learn
- Every student has the right to receive appropriate educational services without labeling
- Meeting the needs of individual students does not lower program standards
- Adaptation of the curriculum enables students to succeed and does not diminish their achievement
- Positive self-esteem is an essential component of student success
- Success influences self-esteem and encourages high achievement
- Modeling of effective teamwork by school staff enables children to develop cooperative social skills
- Social development and opportunities in an educational setting prepare students for participation in society
- Expectations based upon ongoing assessments foster student growth
- Ongoing assessment of all students results in a needs-driven educational system
Contact Us
Student Services, Special Education & Psychological Services
3811 Bakerstown Rd., Gibsonia PA 15044
Phone: 724-443-7230 | Fax: 724-443-7374
Dr. Greta Kuzilla
Assistant Director of Student Services and Special Education
724-443-1558 ext. 6502