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Transition Services

What is Secondary Transition?

Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school.  In the state of Pennsylvania, transition planning begins at age 14 or younger, as determined appropriate by the IEP team.  The planning process helps students consider their goals for the time after graduation through career awareness exploration activities.  The transition continues through high school as academic instruction and community experiences help clarify and support students’ goals.  The process is based on each student’s needs, taking into account their strengths, preferences, and interests.  Transition is a bridge between school programs and the opportunities for adult life.  These opportunities often include higher education or training, employment, independent living, and community participation.

Secondary transition is a process that:

  •  Uses assessment to identify a student’s post-secondary goals
  •  Describes the student’s present level of academic achievement & functional performance
  •  Establishes transition team partnerships
  •  Designs a transition plan that includes courses of study & services/activities
  •  Determines measurable annual goals that address skill deficits & lead to post-secondary goals
  •  Monitors progress and adjusts instruction based on data

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Jocelyn Secen, Transition Counselor
724-625-4444 ext.1674


Step One: Use assessment to identify the student's post-secondary desired goals or vision.
Step Two: Describe the student's Present Levels of Academic Achievement/Functional Performance.
Step Three: Establish Transition Team partnerships.
Step Four: Design a Transition Plan that includes courses of study and services/activities.
Step Five: Determine Measurable Annual Goals that address skill deficits and lead to post-secondary goals.
Step Six: Monitor progress and adjust instruction based on data.