Transition Resources
- Transition Checklists and Information
- Community Support Agencies
- Post-Secondary Supports
- Employment Supports
- Community and Independent Living Resources
- Other
Transition Checklists and Information
Transition Checklist
The checklist is intended as a resource for students (with support from their families, schools, and supporting agency professionals) to review and help provide information and suggestions to guide the transition process for students with disabilities, grades 7 - 12, (ages 14 up to 22nd birthday).
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a group comprised of various stakeholders from across Pennsylvania who work collaboratively to ensure appropriate transition outcomes for Pennsylvania youth and young adults with disabilities. The team consists of representatives from the State Departments of Education, Health, Labor and Industry, and Human Services; Various Youth-Serving Agencies; Young Adults; Parent Organizations; Advocates; Higher Education; and Employers.
The Transition Discoveries initiative collaborates with communities to co-design opportunities for youth, families, and stakeholders to build on their knowledge, skills and relationships to prepare for life after high school. By doing this, everyone will be empowered to identify transition practices that work for them and design new approaches that help young people better reach their goals.
- Transition Discoveries creates and supports new and exciting opportunities for youth (ages 14-25) and their families to learn about making a successful transition from school to adult life
- Transition Discoveries connects young people with disabilities and families with peers and stakeholders so that they have opportunities to share their experiences and connect with opportunities to reach their dreams and goals after graduation
- Transition Discoveries empowers communities of young people, families and stakeholders to come together in order to identify what works and to implement community-wide action plans to improve transition practices, programs and outcomes for young people with disabilities
Making a Roadmap
A resource from the PA Department of Education.
My Autism Team
My Autism Team is a free social network for parents of individuals with autism.
PEAL Center
PEAL Center’s 21 and Able Project, powered by United Way, helps young adults with disabilities transition smoothly from the last day of high school to the first day of adult life by increasing employment, housing opportunities and other support.
Transition resources specifically for those with autism.
LifeCourse Nexus
The Charting the LifeCourse framework was developed by families to help individuals with disabilities and families at any age or stage of life develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live.
Community Support Agencies
Post-Secondary Supports
Accommodations in High School vs. College
Differences between high school and college accommodations for students with disabilities.
Plan for Your Future
A planning resource from the PRHS Counseling Department.
Think College
College options for people with intellectual disabilities.
Affordable Colleges
College scholarships and financial aid for students with disabilities.
D.R.E.A.M. Partnership
The mission of the D.R.E.A.M. (Dreams Realized through Educational Aspiration Model) Partnership is to develop a selection of postsecondary educational opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities in Pennsylvania that includes independent and supported dormitory options.
Provides a list of colleges and universities that do not use SAT/ACT scores for admitting substantial numbers of students into bachelor degree programs.
PA TRAC (The Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center) is an interactive website where students and their advisors can find all the information they need to transfer their credits, as well as a complete list of participating institutions and the foundation courses that transfer between them. By visiting this site, you'll have the ability to figure out how courses you've already taken--or are about to take--will be applied toward your future degree. And you'll be able to find a wealth of other resources that will make the complicated task of transferring much easier.
Employment Supports
Transition from School to Work
A resource from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
PA Career Zone
This website is a career exploration resource for use in the classroom by students and job seekers interested in finding information on careers. PA CareerZone is a web-based career exploration and planning system. It is a user-friendly, interactive tool to find information on 900 occupations in Pennsylvania. This site is for anyone who is interested in learning more about Pennsylvania careers such as students, teachers, school counselors, workforce development staff, and career planners.
Career Guide for People with Disabilities
Community and Independent Living Resources
Transition to Adulthood
A guide for transition age Individuals with disabilities and their families.