Textbooks 9-12
Instructions: Parents of secondary students can access digital content for any textbooks listed, if available, using their child's username and password. Contact your child's teacher for more information.
Textbook: Basic Finance (2019)
Subject: Honors Finance & Investments
Grade: 10-12
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Textbook: Personal Finance (2016)
Grade: 10-12
Subject: Personal Finance
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: Century 21 Accounting (2019)
Subject: Accounting I & Honors Accounting II
Grade: 10-12
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Health & Physical Education
Textbook: Collections (2017)
Subject: English
Grade: 9
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Textbook: Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature (2021)
Subject: English
Grade: 10
Publisher: Carnegie Learning
Textbook: Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature, American Tradition (2021)
Subject: English
Grade: 11
Publisher: Carnegie Learning
Textbook: Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature, British Tradition (2021)
Subject: English
Grade: 12
Publisher: Carnegie Learning
Textbook: The Language of Composition (2018)
Subject: AP English
Grade: 11
Publisher: Bedford, Freeman, Worth/Macmillan Learning
Textbook: Literature & Composition: Essential Skills for the AP Course (2022)
Subject: AP English
Grade: 12
Publisher: Bedford, Freeman, Worth/Macmillan Learning
Textbook: Glencoe Algebra I (2018)
Grade: 9
Subject: Algebra 1
Publisher: McGraw HIll
Textbook: Glencoe Geometry (2018)
Subject: Geometry & Honors Geometry
Grades: 9-12
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: Big Ideas Math: Algebra II (2015)
Grades: 10-11
Subject: Algebra II
Publisher: Big Ideas Learning
Textbook: Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School) (2021)
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: 11-12
Publisher: Bedford, Freeman, Worth
Textbook: The Practice of Statistics for the AP Exam (2019)
Grade: 11-12
Subjects: AP Statistics & Statistics
Publisher: Bedford, Freeman & Worth
Textbook: Precalculus (2022)
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: 10-12
Publisher: Pearson Education
Textbook: Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach (2017)
Subject: CHS Business Calculus & Business Calculus
Grade: 12
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Textbook: Calculus for AP: A Complete Course (2018)
Grade: 11-12
Subjects: AP Calculus
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Textbook: Miller & Levine Biology (2019)
Subject: Biology & Anatomy
Grades: 9-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Campbell Biology (2014)
Subject: AP Biology
Grades: 11-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Chemistry (2017)
Subject: Academic Chemistry
Grades: 10-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Chemistry: Matter & Change (2017)
Subject: Honors Chemistry
Grades: 10-12
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Textbook: Chang Chemistry (2014)
Subject: AP Chemistry
Grades: 11-12
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (HS Edition) (2018)
Subject: Comparative Anatomy & Physiology (Academic)
Grades: 10-12
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Textbook: Human Anatomy & Physiology (2019)
Subject: Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology
Grades: 10-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Physical Science (2017)
Subject: Physical Science
Grades: 11-12
Publisher: Glencoe
Textbook: Physics: Principles & Problems (2017)
Subject: Academic Physics
Grades: 10-12
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Textbook: College Physics (2018)
Subject: Honors Physics
Grade: 10-12
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Textbook: Wiley Fundamentals of Physics (2018)
Subject: AP Physics
Grades: 11-12
Publisher: Wiley Publishing
Textbook: Astronomy Today (2018)
Subject: Astronomy
Grades: 11-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Environmental Science: Your World, Your Turn (2021)
Subject: Science
Grade: 10-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning
Textbook: Environmental Science for the AP Course (2019)
Subject: AP Environmental Science
Grade: 11-12
Publisher: Bedford, Freeman & Worth
Social Studies
Textbook: US History & Geography (2016)
Subject: US History 19th Century & Honors US History 19th Century
Grade: 9
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: World History & Geography (2014)
Subject: Honors Themes in World History & World History & Geography
Grade: 10
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: US History & Geography (2016)
Subject: US History 20th Century
Grade: 11
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: AP American History (2017)
Subject: Honors US History 20th Century & AP American History
Grade: 11
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: American Democracy Now (2017)
Subject: AP American Government & Politics
Grade: 12
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbook: Western Civilization (2019)
Subject: AP European History
Grade: 10
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Textbook: The Science of Psychology - AP Edition (2017)
Subject: AP Psychology
Grade: 12
Publisher: McGraw Hill
World Language
Textbook: Chemins: French For A Connected World (2023)
Subject: World Language
Grade: 7-12
Publisher: Vista Higher Learning
Textbook: Mosaik: German Language and Culture (2021)
Subject: World Language
Grade: 7-12
Publisher: Vista Higher Learning
Textbook: Autentico (2018)
Subject: World Language
Grade: 7-12
Publisher: Savvas Learning