Is it permissible to give, not sell, non-Pepsi products to our students that were donated to booster groups?
Here is the language from our Pepsi agreement: Pepsi shall have the exclusive right to make the beverages available for sale and distribution at the facilities, including the right to provide all beverages sold at special events. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, the customer agrees that Products shall be the exclusive beverages sold, dispensed or served or available at the facilities." Also: "No competitive products shall be sampled, sold, served or dispensed anywhere at the facilities. To summarize, non-Pepsi products should not be sold or distributed at any of our facilities. The contract defines facilities as: the entire premises of every school and facility owned or operated by the customer, now or in the future, including all elementary, middle, high, and alternative schools, athletic facilities, convenience stores, bookstores, student-operated stores, teachers’ lounges, and concession stands, parking lots, dining facilities, unbranded and branded food service outlets and vending areas.
What are the insurance requirements for booster groups and what is the benefit of the Pine-Richland Unified Booster Group (PRUBO)?
School board approved booster groups conducting school district approved business or events on our campuses are covered under Pine-Richland School District's general liability policy. If the booster groups are operating off campus and conducting business that is not known or approved by the district, then they are not covered by the PRSD policy. Some groups will elect to get additional insurance to cover this gap between the district insurance and the times they would not be covered. That is an individual booster decision and is not a blanket PRUBO purchased insurance. PRUBO is an umbrella organization supporting our students, district, and booster groups. Details related to PRUBO can be found on their website.
Can partially-funded sports require families to participate in their booster organizations?
It is understood that there will be family costs associated with registering for a partially funded sport (coaches salaries, transportation, non-PR facility rentals, etc.). Registering for the booster organization to further support the partially-funded sport is different than registering for the sport. Families would be required to pay the registration fee for the sport but not required to join the booster program.
What is the process for requesting facilities?
Step by step directions for requesting facilities are available on the district’s website at www.pinerichland.org/facilitiesuse.
Can booster organizations require parents to pay a fee?
Parent or guardian participation shall not be required as a prerequisite for a student's participation in and/or receipt of the full opportunity and benefit of the team, club or activity in which the student has elected to participate.
After an evening activity, are the organizers responsible for cleaning everything, or do the evening custodians primarily clean up the area?
It is the organizer's responsibility to clean up the area which is used. The expectation is for the garbage to be put in the trash receptacles and to wipe up any spills. If there is trash/paper on the floor, the group who rented the facility is responsible for cleaning the area.
What is the easiest way for event organizers to enter the building to set-up for an evening event when doors are locked?
If neither security personnel nor a site manager is available, a custodian will let the activity coordinator into the building. It is then the activity coordinator’s responsibility to open the door for the remaining participants. At no time should a door be propped open. The custodial staff has access to the facilities calendar and is aware of all groups scheduled for their building.
Can booster groups accept donations? If so, what is the process to make a donation to the school district? Can the donation be for a specific sport or does it have to go into a general athletic fund?
Booster groups may recommend donations to the school district. The board has the authority to accept gifts and donations made to the school district or to any district school.
The board reserves the right to refuse to accept any gift that does not contribute to the achievement of the district goals or when such ownership of which would adversely affect the district.
Any gift accepted by the board or its designee shall become district property, may not be returned without the approval of the board, and is subject to the same controls and regulations as are other district properties.
The board shall be responsible for the maintenance of any gift it accepts unless otherwise stipulated.
The board shall make every effort to honor the intent of the donor in the use of the gift, but it reserves the right to utilize any gift it accepts in the best interests of the district's educational program.
In no case shall acceptance of a gift be considered to be an endorsement by the board of a commercial product, business enterprise, or institution of learning.
All gifts shall be recorded in the appropriate inventory listing and property records.
Work closely with the appropriate building principal or director of athletics throughout the process. Sufficient time is necessary for the administration to prepare a motion for the board to approve all donations. At least one month’s notice is required.
Are booster groups permitted to use the Pine-Richland School District’s Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemption number?
No. Booster groups and parent-teacher organizations are required to use their own sales tax exemption number. If a group does not have a number already on file with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, the group must contact the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to work through the process to obtain one.
If booster groups plan to run a fundraiser, what steps should they take to gain official approval?
A fundraiser request form has been created for booster groups to submit fundraiser requests. A booster group can submit up to 5 different fundraisers through one form. The appropriate building principal or director of athletics will receive an email when a fundraiser request form has been submitted.
The requesting booster group should receive notice if the fundraisers were approved within 5 business days. Contact the appropriate building administrator or director of athletics if you have not received a response within 5 business days.
Please submit all fundraiser requests at least 45 days prior to each event. All fundraisers should align with the district’s mission, vision, and values and follow all policies related to advertising and facility use.
Any fundraising activities that are to occur on school district property that would require a Small Games of Chance License obtained through the Allegheny County Department of Revenue (e.g. raffles, 50/50, games of chance, lotteries) must comply with School Board Policy #707 (Use of School Facilities). Small Games of Chance Licenses must be provided upon request.