Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
915 Boosters/Parent Organizations (click to review the school board's full Boosters/Parent Organization policy)
Organizations are formed and operate independently of any Pine-Richland School District extra-curricular, co-curricular activities, or athletic teams. Organizations must apply for and secure recognition by the District before identifying or representing themselves as approved or endorsed affiliates, by submitting the information and materials recited below and receiving Board approval.
Failure to maintain status, provide any required information outlined in this policy, or comply with any of the restrictions on affiliate group activities may cause the board to revoke the district’s recognition of said group as an affiliated group. Submissions under this policy for organizations associated with athletic teams shall be submitted to the Director of Athletics or his/her designee. All other organizations shall submit the required materials to the principal of the building in which the activity is organized or his/her designee.
To facilitate proper organization and recordkeeping between the organizations and the district, the Board requires the following:
- Each organization shall submit a copy of the organization’s appropriately adopted constitution and by-laws. By-laws shall include no less than two documented authorizations for the disbursement of funds equaling $250 or more and the bonding of the Organization’s treasurer. The use of debit cards or other electronic means of payment is prohibited. After initial submission, an organization’s constitution and by-laws need only be updated when a change is made.
- Each organization shall submit a list of current officers, including their phone numbers and addresses, by July 31 of each school year. The listing of officers shall include, at a minimum, a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. When any changes in officers occur, an updated list shall be submitted to the appropriate administrator in a timely manner.
- Each Organization shall name a FDIC insured depository bank or FSLIC insured savings and loan association into which all proceeds and receipts shall be deposited. Any and all accounts shall be operated under the name of the specific organization and its associated tax ID/EIN number. There shall be no organization accounts opened or operated under a specific individual’s name/social security number.
- A copy of an annual accounting of the organization’s revenues and expenditures or evidence that such accounting is in process shall be submitted to the district’s Director of Athletics, building principal or other appropriate administrator no later than September 30th of each year for the prior year’s activities. Complete financial statements should be presented, when available. The annual accounting of actual expenditures and revenues may be performed by an independent auditor or by a committee of organization members other than the designated/elected officers for that school year.
- Appropriate documentation shall be filed on an annual basis establishing the organization as a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) or affiliating the organization with a state or national organization, which shall confer upon the organization 501(c)(3) status. Organizations must abide by all Internal Revenue Guidelines (IRS).
- Organizations shall not be permitted to use the district’s tax-exempt number for purchases.
- Parent or guardian participation shall not be required as a prerequisite for a student’s participation in and/or receipt of the full opportunity and benefit of the team, club or activity in which the student has elected to participate.
- Potential Expenses:
- Fully funded athletic or club activities may include additional family costs (e.g., activity fees, individualized and nonreusable clothing or equipment) for students to participate in accordance with Policies 122 (Extracurricular Activities), 123 (Interscholastic Athletics), and 110 (Instructional Supplies). No other required fees shall be assessed.
- Partially funded athletic or club activities may include additional family costs or volunteer obligations for students to participate. Itemized, required expenses and volunteer obligations shall be shared with participants at the time of registration (e.g., facility rental, uniforms, transportation, officials, etc.). No other required fees shall be assessed.
- Each organization shall submit a copy of the organization’s appropriately adopted constitution and by-laws. By-laws shall include no less than two documented authorizations for the disbursement of funds equaling $250 or more and the bonding of the Organization’s treasurer. The use of debit cards or other electronic means of payment is prohibited. After initial submission, an organization’s constitution and by-laws need only be updated when a change is made.
The district, through its insurance broker, offers to each organization, using district facilities or sponsoring activities involving district students, a blanket general liability policy. The policy will cover each organization for one (1) year (July 1 through June 30). Specific terms of coverage and exclusions from coverage are recited in the various policies themselves, which are available for inspection. Groups are free to secure such additional coverage as they deem appropriate.
Approved activities are those approved by the district either through a building use permit (See School Board Policy #707 – Use of School Facilities) or a Board approved trip where team or club arrangements and fees are paid for by the booster club (See School Board Policy #121 – Field Trips). Any activity off campus that does not require approval by the board is not an activity covered by this general liability policy.
Exclusion From Liability
Unless specifically covered under the Insurances section above, organizations are independent entities, separate and apart from the Pine-Richland School District, and the Board does not assume any financial responsibility for an organization and excludes itself from any liability, financial or otherwise, an organization may incur.
Use of Facilities
Organizations requesting use of facilities and/or services shall comply with the district’s policy on facility usage (See School Board Policy #707–Use of School Facilities). No activity shall be permitted without such approval.
Use of District Logo
Organizations desiring to use the district’s logo(s) for promotional materials, clothing, sponsorships or any other purpose must comply with the district’s “Name, Logo and Mascot Image Usage Guidelines.”
Organizations involved in concessions at school events shall follow district guidelines for use of such facilities and must complete a Concession Stand Article of Agreement with the district on an annual basis prior to operating any concession stands on district property.
All monies collected through fundraising shall be placed into a general fund to be used for the benefit of a team or club and its participants as a whole. Consistent with IRS regulations, the extent of student or member participation in fundraising activities of organizations shall have no implications on the opportunities for students to participate in the activity or sport or on the receipt of awards or benefits distributed by the Organization.
In accordance with IRS Guidelines, cooperative fundraising is prohibited. Cooperative fundraising is defined as when a group's members join together (cooperatively) to raise money and then credit the funds raised (or the time spent volunteering) to the individuals who participated in raising the money. When records are kept showing how much each parent/student contributed to the fundraising effort, these records are called Individual Fundraising Accounts ("IFA") and are prohibited.
Fundraising activities shall be requested in writing to the building principal, or the Director of Athletics via a district approved form no later than 45 days prior to the event. This must be reviewed and approved at the building/athletic office level before any such fundraising may occur. Any fundraising activities that are to occur on school district property that would require a Small Games of Chance License obtained through the Allegheny County Department of Revenue (e.g. raffles, 50/50, games of chance, lotteries) must comply with School Board Policy #707 (Use of School Facilities). Small Games of Chance Licenses must be provided upon request.[5]
No student instructional time shall be allowed for fundraising activities for any organization. Student solicitation within the community for any Organization shall be minimal so as not to place an undue burden on the student and/or disrupt local businesses, individual residences and other stakeholders within the community. Any student fundraising shall comply with School Board Policy #229 (Student Fundraising).
Members of the organizations shall be given the option to participate, donate money or not participate in fundraising efforts. Mandatory fundraisers are not permitted. The confidentiality of members’ participation in fundraising activities or the lack thereof shall be maintained to the greatest extent possible.
Any exception to the above guidelines must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Expenditures for Equipment, Supplies, Etc.
Organizations are not permitted to donate funds, equipment, materials or supplies equal to or greater than $1,000 without approval of the district in accordance with School Board Policy #702 (Gifts, Grants, Donations). This prohibition applies specifically to any donations of uniform clothing, installation of equipment or improvements to real estate.[7]
Any purchased/donated supplies or equipment by any organization to the district becomes the property of the school district in accordance with School Board Policy #702 (Gifts, Grants, Donations). Any expenditure of funds by an organization which would create a future obligation to the district, a possible liability, or a maintenance plan to the district must be pre-approved by the Board.[7]
Any proposed modifications or improvements to the District’s buildings and grounds by an organization must be submitted to the building principal, Director of Facilities and the Superintendent or his/her designee. Board approval may be required based upon the nature and scope of the proposed modification or improvement. No work shall commence without written approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Organizations conducting preliminary evaluations or studies in connection with substantial programs or projects are cautioned that no interim cooperation or participation in exploratory discussions obligates the district to proceed until a formal proposal is presented to and approved by the Board, and the district has no financial obligations except such as are formally acknowledged and approved by the Board.
Recognition Functions
Organizations planning a recognition event shall request permission of the building principal or Director of Athletics to conduct such event and shall clear the date for the event with the building principal or Director of Athletics.
Permissible Awards
All organizations must comply with the rules and regulations of the WPIAL, PIAA, NCAA, and other governing organizations regarding the limits allowed when providing such gifts, trips and/or banquets.
Should any situation emerge between an organization and the administration regarding the management of any school-related activity, the superintendent or his/her designee shall resolve the matter within these established guidelines and/or board policy. The decision of the superintendent shall be final in resolving such matters between the organizations and the administration. No organization shall engage in any activity outside these guidelines.