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Concession Guidelines

  • Booster groups purchasing food will need to purchase items on their own and follow proper food safety procedures. (Click here to review food safety procedures). Failure to follow these procedures may result in the termination of this contract.
  • The Pine-Richland School District is Pepsi-Cola exclusive.  No cans or other products are to be sold, served, or stored on the premises. Booster groups must purchase Pepsi-Cola beverages only (excluding any type of energy drink e.g. AMP).  
  • Booster organizations will be responsible for the stocking of each concession stand.
  • The Booster representative completing this agreement will be given a stadium swipe card to gain access to the stadium and concession stands.  The card will allow entrance Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.  Pine-Richland School District is not responsible for receiving or stocking items.  The cards can be picked up at Pine-Richland’s central office, 702 Warrendale Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044.  A $10 fee will be charged for replacement cards. 
  • Booster organizations are responsible for cleaning of facilities and equipment used during events.
  • To be eligible to operate concession stand equipment an individual, at a minimum, must be 14 years old.
  • Booster groups will be required to sign an agreement, which expires every June 15. Signing the form indicates that the user reviewed and agrees to all the guidelines including the food safety guidelines
  • All organizations will be required to continue to pay, in advance, a non-refundable user fee of $100 annually, which will be deposited into the “concession stand account”. Checks can be made payable to PRSD Concession Fund and mailed  or hand delivered to the PRSD Administration Building, 702 Warrendale Rd., Gibsonia, PA 15044.
  • The user fee will allow the district to continue to repair or replace equipment within the concession areas as needed.
  • Failure to follow these procedures may result in the termination of the contract.
  • Additional information related to concession stands will be shared during booster meetings that will be scheduled each school year.

Concession Locations


  • Concession Stand A on the home side will be run by the Touchdown Club during all home football games.
  • Concession Stand B on the home side will be run by Band Boosters Organization during home varsity football games and band festivals.
  • The Cheerleaders Association will run concession Stand C on the visitor’s side.

Boys and Girls Soccer

  • Concession Stand A, on the home side, will be run by the Boys Soccer boosters during their home games and tournaments.
  • The Girls Soccer Boosters will run concession Stand B, on the home side, during their home games and tournaments.

Boys and Girls Track and Lacrosse

  • The Boys Lacrosse Boosters will run concession Stand A, on the home side, during their home games and tournaments.
  • The Girls Lacrosse and B/G Track Boosters will run concession Stand B, on the home side, during their home meets and tournaments.

Field Hockey

  • The Field Hockey Boosters will run concession Stand A, on the home side, during their home games and tournaments.