District Earns State Recognition for RAMS Way Initiative
Hance students enjoy a RAMS Way lesson on school bus expectations.
All six Pine-Richland schools have been recognized by the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PaPBS) Network for achieving Tier I with Fidelity status for implementing and sustaining school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) through the RAMS Way program during the 2023-2024 school year.
This recognition highlights Pine-Richland’s commitment to creating a positive, supportive school environment that encourages positive behavior, reinforces expectations and promotes respect and responsibility throughout the school, contributing to the well-being and success of all students.
The RAMS Way initiative spells out the acronym for a common set of behavioral expectations shared across the district: Respectful, Accountable, Motivated and Safe. Students learn what it means to be respectful, accountable, motivated and safe in a variety of areas, including the cafeteria, hallways, bathrooms and the bus, modified as appropriate for each grade span.
“We are extremely proud of the progress that all the buildings have made to create a positive environment to set the stage for learning, our primary purpose,” said Dr. Greta Kuzilla, assistant director for student services and special education. “Building level teams, with the support of all teachers and staff, have worked to teach, model, practice and reinforce positive behaviors. This has helped create a positive environment in each of the buildings that supports our focus for learning for every student every day.”
Eden Hall students enjoy pumpkin chunkin as a RAMS Way reward.
To achieve Tier 1 recognition, schools must earn and maintain a score of 70% or higher on the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, a national fidelity measure for PBIS. Tier 1 recognizes schools that foster a positive and inclusive environment through proactive behavioral strategies.
Pine-Richland High School was recognized this year for the first time at Tier 1, earning 87% on the TFI. All other Pine-Richland schools were recognized as Tier 1 Sustaining. Both Wexford Elementary School and Hance Elementary School earned 100% on the TFI, while Richland Elementary School earned 97%, and Pine-Richland Middle School and Eden Hall Upper Elementary School earned 93%.
Eligibility for Tier 1 recognition includes annual measurements, including a survey, building walkthroughs with external facilitators and an ongoing commitment to the PaPBS Community of Practice.
“We are hopeful for the future and excited to continue to promote the RAMS Way taking each building's progress to the next level so that our students continue to thrive in the learning environment,” said Dr. Kuzilla.