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Family Educational Trips

There is a direct correlation between consistent school attendance and academic success. Families are encouraged to plan trips around the approved school calendar. The district discourages trips during the first two weeks of school, the last two weeks of school, and during any state assessment testing windows. Family educational trips/tours that are not approved will count as unexcused absences. Requests for family educational trips/tours should be accompanied by the Student Application for Family Educational Tour or Trip Form which is to be completed by the parent/guardian and submitted to the attendance/main office no later than two (2) weeks before the scheduled trip. Family educational tours/trips, including college visits, will count toward the student’s ten (10) permissible parental excused absences.

School law requires districts to withdraw students after ten (10) consecutive days of absence (e.g., travel) unless the school is provided with evidence the absence is legal even if the student plans to return to school. Approval of these absences or withdrawal  should be discussed at a School Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC).

Special Circumstances
There are times when families request extended absences or routine partial absences (e.g., athletic or art based opportunities). These will be managed on a case-by-case basis at the building level. These absences should not affect other siblings in the district. Approval of these absences should be discussed at a SAIC. When scheduling opportunities arise that do not prevent the student from missing instructional time, approval consideration may be applied (e.g., study hall, non-instructional time). These requests must be submitted annually for approval based on academic scheduling options.