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If a two-hour delay is needed, the district will follow the traditional process of notifying staff and families of the delay via the rapid call system and then operating buses with a modified in-person schedule.


Pine-Richland School District has multiple options if a closure is needed:

    • First Closure: If a first weather-related closure is needed, the district will notify staff and families. No school will occur on that day. District and building administrators will work with the staff workforce groups to address day or hourly make-up requirements.
    • Second and Subsequent Closures: If a second closure occurs, we will engage in virtual learning:
      • A period of asynchronous work allows time for students and families to get organized and offers a period of flexibility. It also allows time for staff to finalize preparation for synchronous (live) instruction.
      • Live virtual instruction using Google Meet and/or Blackboard Collaborate will be implemented. Building principals and classroom teachers will share more details about the schedule and expectations. It is important for you to review these plans so that you are prepared for when school is closed.

Students will need to have their laptops/computers charged and ready to go during winter weather months. District and building administrators will work with each workforce group to determine the approach. 

Several make-up days are built into the academic calendar for potential use. The school board approved an Emergency Instructional Time Template for the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) designed for PR that provides flexibility in meeting the number of school days and school hours required. The district also developed and received approval by PDE for use of several Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs). In addition, the district received approval to utilize several in-service days as Act 80 days.