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Allergy Management

When a student has an allergy, families should:

  • Inform school of student’s life-threatening food allergy and complete necessary medical forms annually.

  • Provide physician documentation of student’s allergy and treatment for reactions. Update school of any changes to student’s condition or treatment for reactions.

  • Remind parent/guardian that they need to share information with the nurse’s office and extracurricular activities and or sports teams.

Allergy Action Plan

    Complete this form with your child's doctor and submit to the school nurse along with their EpiPen at the beginning of the school year.


Allergy Management Checklist

     Please use this checklist to provide information about your child's understanding and needs related to their food allergy.


Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

     Instructions and emergency care information for severe and mild symptoms


Permission to Carry EpiPens/Inhalers/Diabetic Supplies Form

     If your student will carry an EpiPen or inhaler, please complete this form and return to your building's school nurse in addition to the school district's medication form.