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Medication at School

Over the Counter and Prescription Medication

School board policy prohibits students from carrying any medication, including over-the-counter medication (ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.), at school. The only exception to this are EpiPens, asthma inhalers and diabetic supplies, with the proper physician forms. 

If you believe your child will require medication at school, prescription or over-the-counter, during the school year, please download the Medication Permission form. Ask your child's doctor to complete this form and bring the signed form with the prescribed medication on the first day of school. Check the expiration dates on all inhalers, EpiPens and diabetic supplies to ensure they will last through the end of the school year. Non-medicated cough drops

Attention High & Middle School Families: If your student will be carrying his/her EpiPen or inhaler, please complete the Permission to Carry EpiPens/Inhalers/Diabetic Supplies Form (in addition to the Medication Permission form) and return to your building's school nurse.

Cough Drops

Non-medicated cough drops must be sent to school in the original container/wrapper with accompanying written permission from the parent/guardian. Only a limited number should be kept on hand.  Permission is good for short term use and new permission notes will need to be submitted for subsequent need.  

All students in K-6 will have their supply of cough drops stored in the health office and distributed as needed by the school nurse. 7-12 students may have permission to self-carry with parent permission on file. 

Students are not permitted to share their cough drops with anyone. Medicated cough drops will not be distributed.  

The school nurse has the authority to keep the cough drops in the health office for those in grades 7-12 if deemed necessary.

Food Allergies

If your child has a life-threatening food allergy and requires an EpiPen at school, please have your doctor complete this Food Allergy Action Plan and bring this completed plan with the medication on the first day of school. For grades K-6, parents should complete a Self-Management Allergy Checklist to be submitted at the beginning of the year.