School Year Reminders
Medication at School
If you believe your child will require medication at school, prescription, or over-the-counter, during the school year, please download the Medication Permission Form. Ask your child's doctor to complete this form over the summer and bring the signed form with the prescribed medication on the first day of school. Check the expiration dates on all medications, inhalers, EpiPens, and diabetic supplies to ensure they will last through the end of the school year.
If your student carries an EpiPen or inhaler, please complete the Permission to Carry EpiPens/Inhalers/Diabetic Supplies Form and return to your building's school nurse. This is in addition to the school district's Medication Permission Form.
Food Allergies
If your child has a life-threatening food allergy and requires an epi-pen at school, please have your doctor complete this Food Allergy Action Plan and bring this completed plan with the medication on the first day of school. For grades K-6, parents must complete an Allergy Self Management Checklist to be submitted at the beginning of the new school year.
Please be sure your child's immunizations are in compliance with Pennsylvania Department of Health and Allegheny County guidelines before the beginning of the school year.
Please note the immunization requirements for students going into 7th and 12th grade. These are required before the start of school. Please provide an updated immunization record to the school health office.
Health Exams
Physical and dental exam forms dated after September 1, 2023, will be accepted. Forms are due by October 1, 2024. Forms may be mailed to the school over the summer in an envelope marked "Attn: School Nurse.”
Physical Exams—Grades 6 and 11
Physical examinations are required for all students entering grades 6 and 11. You may use the district's Physical Examination Form or a computer printout of the physical with the doctor's signature.
Dental Exams—Grades 3 and 7
Dental examinations are required for all students entering grades 3 and 7. You may use the Dental Examination Form or the dentist's signed printout.
Cold Weather Reminders
In the winter months, we hold outdoor recess for our students (K-6) when possible and conditions permit. To ensure your child's comfort, please plan for outdoor recess when preparing or assisting with your child's clothing and outerwear selections each day.
Please apply the above information during the winter month for when your child gets on and off the bus and waits for the bus each day.