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Type 1 Diabetes

There have been several recent changes made to the School Code pertaining to student health initiatives. Act 117 of 2024 requires school entities and nonpublic schools to share Type 1 Diabetes educational materials with parents and guardians of students either in writing, electronically, or on the school entity or nonpublic school’s publicly accessible internet website. In this Act, a school entity includes a school district, area career and technical school, charter school, regional charter school, cyber charter school or intermediate unit.

The Type 1 Diabetes educational materials linked below must be made available beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. The materials are also available on the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s website: Act 117 - Parental Education of Type 1 Diabetes.

Click here to download the Type 1 Diabetes educational materials in English.

Haz clic aquí para descargar los materiales educativos en español sobre la diabetes tipo 1.