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Top 10 Tips For Preventing the Spread of the Flu

Dept. of Health

  1. Keep your child home from school or day care when he or she is sick.
  2. Allow your child to return to school only when fever-free for at least 24 hours (no longer having a fever without use of fever-reducing medicines.)
  3. Cover your cough. Cough into your upper sleeve or into a tissue and discard properly.
  4. Properly dispose of used tissues and other soiled items, and wash your hands after doing so.
  5. Wash hands frequently and regularly, or use hand sanitizers when water is not readily available.
  6. Regularly clean and disinfect areas and items likely to have frequent hand contact.
  7. Contact your health care provider when your child or other family member is sick with the flu (symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headaches and body aches).
  8. If you are not able to stay home with your child, plan ahead for how he or she will be taken care of when sick at home or if school is closed.
  9. Have your child vaccinated against the flu every year.
  10. Stay informed at: or resources from the National Association of School Nurses.
Call 877-PA-HEALTH with questions.

Get the Facts!

Don't Get Sidelined by the Flu

Flu Facts for Parents