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Home Education Requirements

In order to be compliant, the enrollment documents listed below are required to be submitted to the District prior to the commencement of a home education program.  

Home education programs (also known as homeschooling) are programs where the education of the student is directed by the parent or guardian or such person having legal custody of the child or children.  The decision to have a home education program (22 Pa. Code Section 11.31a) or a private tutoring program (22 Pa. Code Section 11.31(b)(1)) is a right; school district permission is not needed to commence either program, as long as the required documentation is submitted.

The following items are required to be submitted for each student in a home education program to the superintendent of schools for the district of residence at the commencement of any new home education program or by August 1 for subsequent years of a home education program (24 P.S. Section 13-1327.1(b)).

  • Notarized Affidavit or Unsworn Declaration and all required attachments 
    • Education objectives by subject area for submitted school year
    • Special Education Program Approval, if applicable (for students with a special education diagnosis, excluding gifted)
    • Upon enrollment, evidence that the child has been immunized in accordance with section 1303(a) or a Statement of Exemption Letter
    • Evidence that the child has received the health and medical services required for students of the child's age or grade level in Article XIV

If your child(ren) is exempt from immunizations, they may be excluded from school during an outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases.    

Affidavits and Other Forms