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Suicide Awareness

Policy and Resources

Pine-Richland School Board is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its students and school community. This policy supports federal, state and local efforts to provide education on youth suicide awareness and prevention; to establish methods of prevention, intervention, and response to suicide or suicide attempt; and to promote access to suicide awareness and prevention resources.  

In compliance with state law and regulations, and in support of the district’s suicide prevention measures, information received in confidence from a student may be revealed to the student’s parents/guardians, the building principal or other appropriate authority when the health, welfare or safety of the student or any other person is deemed to be at risk.
The district shall utilize a multifaceted approach to suicide prevention which integrates school and community-based support. Please take time to review the district's policy.

Suicide Prevention Coordinator

Pine-Richland School District has designated Dr. Maura Paczan, director of student services (, 724-443-7230, ext. 6503), as the district's suicide prevention coordinator. 

The coordinator shall be responsible for planning and coordinating the implementation of the Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response Policy.


Building Coordinators

 At the building level, each building principal shall designate a school suicide prevention coordinator to act as a point of contact in each school for issues relating to suicide prevention and policy implementation. 


  • Implementing Student Assistance Teams* in Eden Hall and the primary schools
  • Revising the district’s protocol for the assessment of suicide ideation and threat
  • Implementing pupil services teams in all six schools
  • Making classroom presentations at the high school level for being responsible reporters
  • Approving a suicide awareness policy
  • Implementing school-based mental health services at the high school
  • Analyzing the school climate for the presence of bullying in grades 4-12
  • Parent Nights on Respect, Resiliency and Relationships. 

*Student Assistance Teams are made up of professional staff members who have received training to assist students in dealing with behaviors that create barriers to learning and interfere with their academic performance as well as their social, physical and mental development.


Myths and Facts

There are many beliefs about suicide that people assume to be true. With the stigma regarding suicide, it is important to separate the myths from the facts in order to better understand those who may be suicidal and what actions are appropriate and helpful in preventing suicide. Download this document which outlines some common myths regarding suicide and the true facts behind them.