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School Safety Resources

During a security event, we recognize the heightened anxiety and fears that our students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators experience. When one of our schools experiences a potential threat, we immediately evaluate the situation using a team approach with law enforcement. It is difficult at times to discern the differences between rumors and accurate information. The facts of each situation guide decision-making and we work closely with law enforcement throughout the decision-making process. The safety of students and staff is always our first priority, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during these stressful events. 

This page aims to provide information to parents about security terminology, what to expect from communication, and resources for talking to your children after a security event.


We understand the need for immediate communication during a security event. We know that students communicate with their families quickly, and the time to wait to hear from the district can feel inordinately long.

During any emergent situation, we work as quickly as possible to gather facts so that we can share them with our entire community. We aim to be transparent without impeding law enforcement investigations and without breaching student privacy. Our goal is to provide frequent, accurate updates to our families and staff.

When a security-related incident occurs at any of our schools, we send a rapid call to parents of the affected students with the information we are able to share at that time. All other parents and staff in the district receive an email. We aim to keep our entire school community apprised to help stop the spread of misinformation and to promote transparency and clear communication. 

The timing of communications is often a delicate balance. We want our families to have critical information as quickly as possible, and sometimes that may mean a late night or early morning call. We always consider the weight and urgency of the message when determining timing.

Rapid calls are sent to the contacts identified for each family in Sapphire. eBlasts use a separate system for which parents can sign up here. If you have concerns about how you receive district communications, please contact

Security Status Terminology

Your children may share security terminology that parents may not be familiar with. We use different levels of heightened security status depending on the situation:

backpack icon with strikethrough

No Bags/Coats: If a security situation requires that students not bring bags or coats, students should either put their belongings in a clear bag or carry only what they need for the day. Backpacks will not be permitted. Students may bring lunch in a clear gallon-sized storage bag (such as a ZipLoc). Students may bring band instruments but should expect to be searched and need to allow extra time upon arrival. Students should not wear puffy winter coats.

magnifying glass icon to indicate search

Search: During searches, school and law enforcement personnel will be stationed at all school entrances and all students will have their belongings searched by school personnel before they will be allowed inside. If search protocols determine that only one entrance be used, that will be communicated in advance to families. 

two hands icon used for a secure situation

Secure: Secure means that students and staff cannot leave the building and visitors are not permitted inside. Learning activities will continue as planned inside the school building. There may be a secure perimeter around campus prohibiting visitors from being on school grounds. Parents may not come to school to pick up their children.

purple icon with door indicating hold

Hold: During a hold, students and staff are restricted to their current location. Learning activities may continue as normal but students will not switch classes and may not leave the classroom. Visitors to campus are prohibited. No one is allowed to enter or leave the building. Parents may not come to school to pick up their children.

padlock icon to indicate a lockdown

Lockdown: During a lockdown, students and staff are to lock doors and hide. All activities stop until the lockdown is over. Campus entrances are closed, and parents may not come to school to pick up their children. 

three people icon to indicate evacuation

Evacuation: In an evacuation, students will be moved to a safe location accompanied by teachers and staff. If an evacuation requires alternative dismissal or student pick-up, details will be communicated to parents as soon as they are determined and confirmed. Parents may not come to school to pick up their children until such details have been communicated to families.

A security status may change during an incident per the direction of Northern Regional Police Department. 

During any security situation, our nursing staff will work with administrators to meet the medical needs of our students. Security incidents may disrupt normal lunch periods; when this occurs, we work with NRPD to determine the best course of action that prioritizes the safety of students.

After-School and Evening Activities

We coordinate with law enforcement to make decisions about after-school and evening activities. These decisions may be made later in the day, after student and staff safety is secured. Decisions are made with the latest available information and in conjunction with law enforcement. The status of after-school and evening activities is communicated to families, staff, coaches and sponsors once a determination is made.


The use of reporting mechanisms is a critical factor in school safety. We include this information in every safety-related communication because it is so important.

Report, Don’t Repost: When students or parents see concerning posts on social media, they should immediately report them to NRPD or Safe2Say. Do not repost. Reposting can spread rumors and panic. It also can hinder a police investigation into the original source of the post. 

We encourage everyone—students, parents, and staff—to be vigilant and proactive in reporting any safety concerns. If you or your child(ren) have any information related to any safety matter, there are several avenues available for reporting:

  • Contact Northern Regional Police Department at 724-625-3157 or dial 911 if there is an immediate concern
  • Use the Safe2Say Something application or website to make an anonymous report
  • Reach out to building or district administrators for guidance and support

Resources for Parents

Security incidents can be anxiety-inducing and scary for children and adults. These resources from the National Association of School Psychologists may help parents talk with their children.

School Safety Resources