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Visitor Procedures


To ensure the safety and security of our students and staff, all visitors are required to follow the district check-in/check-out procedures.

The district has a security system and all outside doors are locked during the instructional day.  All visitors must use the front entrance to enter the office and identify themselves and the purpose of their visit to gain admittance to the school. 

All visitors to the school must present their driver’s license or car keys, register and obtain a visitor badge.

  • If you are planning to visit a classroom or other area of the building during the school day, you should pre-register for an appointment prior to the date of the visit. Except for an emergency, requests to meet with a classroom teacher or other staff member should be made at least 48 hours in advance to allow the school sufficient time to make arrangements for a substitute or other coverage, if necessary.
    Note: Visitors who are dropping off items for a student in the front office, and do not need to proceed into the building, may do so without advance notice.
  • All visitors must use the buzzer and identify themselves to request admittance. Upon entry, all school visitors must report directly to the school office to register. As part of the registration process, all visitors will be asked to sign the visitor log and provide identification, which will be held by the building office for the duration of the visit. As part of the registration process, all visitors will be asked to scan their identification (driver’s license) through our visitor management system. (Independent volunteers will already have badges and will not have to turn in their license.)
  • Once registered, the visitor will be issued a Visitor Identification Badge, which must be displayed at all times while the visitor remains in the building or on school premises.
  • Visitors must remain in approved areas only and at all times act in a manner appropriate to the safe functioning of the school environment.
  • Upon conclusion of the visit, visitors must return to the office, sign out of the visitor management system and return/discard their visitor badge.

These procedures are implemented pursuant to School Board Policy No. 907 and apply to all Pine-Richland School District buildings.