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Navigating Board Agendas

BoardDocs Communication Center

If you want to stay more in touch with school policies and procedures at Pine-Richland School District, you'll want to navigate the district's paperless school board system.

The system is called BoardDocs, which can be accessed by clicking this link.

BoardDocs allows PR to provide more information to our community electronically. The system is environmentally friendly and saves time.  As you log onto BoardDocs, you will notice four main tabs located at the top right.



Featured, Meetings, and Agenda Tabs

The Featured Tab is the main page where the most recent board meeting agenda(s) is available to the public in the box titled "Meetings".  The schedule of upcoming meetings and procedures to address the board are also available on the Featured Tab

To view the agenda for the most recent board meeting, from the Featured Tab click on the meeting located in the box titled "Meetings".  This will move you to the Meetings Tab. From here, click on "View the Agenda" to access the items included for that meeting.  By doing so, it will move you to the Agenda Tab

You can view all current and previous agendas when clicking on the Meetings Tab. Past meetings are stored by year. The purpose of a planning meeting agenda is to list upcoming items for vote at the regular meeting later in the month. Sometimes action items are taken at planning meetings.  To return to the Featured agenda(s), click on the "Featured" button to the left. 

Agenda Format

The meeting agendas are broken down into several parts. The opening of the meeting consists of procedural items, including recognition of visitors and approval of minutes. The agenda is divided into several subjects:   

  • Finances
  • Buildings & Grounds
  • Academic Achievement
  • Student Services
  • Staff Services
  • Operational Services

Information, discussion, and/or action items are included under their respective subjects. The final portion of the meeting includes any reports, final public recognition and adjournment.

Policies Tab 

The Policies Tab is where all current policies are available to the public.  Policies are reviewed on a cyclical schedule.  Beginning in 2024, Administrative Regulations (ARs) are available to the public.  For access to ARs, click on the Policy Tab and, on the left side of the page, click on the button titled "Policy Manual".  Choose "Administrative Regulations" in the pulldown.  Any ARs are stored in the sections below the pulldown box.