Administrative Regulations
The policies and procedures adopted by the board establish the general parameters within which the daily operations of the school district are to be governed. Administrative regulations for carrying out and implementing board policies are developed and implemented by the administration, under the direction of the superintendent. As applicable, all members of the school community are expected to comply with both board policy and administrative regulations, subject to stated limitations and exceptions. Policies and ARs are reviewed on a cyclical schedule. Not all policies require an AR. Any policy with an asterisk at the end of the title indicates an AR exists.
At its March 11, 2024, combined meeting, the Pine-Richland School Board approved making all administrative regulations (ARs) available to the public except those ARs designated by the administration as pertaining to district safety and security. ARs can be found under the "Policies" tab in Board Docs. To the left of the screen, click on the drop-down next to "Book:" and choose Administrative Regulations.