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Board Schedule and Procedures

Schedule and Procedures

Meetings will be held in the DeWitt Blank Boardroom unless otherwise noted and available through live stream also.  Scroll down to view the entire 2025 schedule.

Live Streaming

Community members wishing to listen to the live stream of a governance meeting or board meeting should navigate to BoardDocs and click on the active agenda. On the agenda will be a video button to click. Clicking on the button will direct you to a sign-in form for registering purposes. Once submitted, a link to the live stream of the meeting will be provided. Please see additional information under the Agendas section below.

School Board Meeting and Procedures

All meetings of the Board of School Directors shall be open to the general public with the exception of the Executive Session meetings exempted by law. Public meetings of the Pine-Richland School Board are generally held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. The first meeting of the month is a planning meeting with possible action items and the second meeting of the month is a regular action meeting.  During some months, meetings may be combined. Meetings are held in the DeWitt Blank Conference Room of the District Administration Office, 702 Warrendale Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044, unless otherwise noted. 

Please note that as additional meetings are scheduled, they will be added to the list below.


Pursuant to new Senate Bill 554, now Act 65 of 2021, a pdf of an agenda listing each matter that may be the subject of deliberation or official action at the meeting will be available here 24 hours prior to the actual meeting.  The agenda will also be posted on the door at the administrative offices, 702 Warrendale Rd., Gibsonia, PA. Although the new Act 65 did not go into effect until August 29, 2021, the board began the practice with the July 12 meeting.

Active agendas are available on the main page of BoardDocs and are made active at noon on the day of the meeting(s).  Past agendas may be found in BoardDocs Meetings.

Addressing the Board

Visitors may address the board at the beginning and again at the close of each planning, regular, or combined meeting.  Visitors have an opportunity to address the board following the discussion of a joint governance meetings (at the end).  Visitors are asked to limit their comments to three minutes, so that everyone may have an opportunity to speak. 

Anyone interested in addressing the board through live stream should indicate that when registering for the link (see Live Streaming above).  Those persons indicating a desire to address the board will receive a phone call at the number provided on the sign-in form at the Recognition of Visitors section indicated on the form.  All speakers should clearly state their names and addresses.

It is helpful when questions are sent in advance to the school board secretary (  Board members listen to comments from the public.  This is generally not a time when discussion or response takes place with the board directors.  The board or administration may follow-up with members of the community who spoke at the meeting.  Speakers should be sure they write their information clearly on the sign up sheet.   

2025 Board Meeting Schedule

*Indicates an off-night governance meeting.  No board meeting will follow.

Academic Achievement Joint Governance Meeting
SB Combined Meeting
Building & Grounds Jt Governance Mtg*
Joint Governance Mtg*
Finance Jt Goverance Mtg
SB Planning Meeting
SB Regular Meeting
Finance Jt Governance Mtg
SB Combined Meeting
Staff Services Jt Governance Mtg
SB Planning Meeting
SB Regular Meeting
Finance Jt Governance Mtg
SB Combined Meeting
Academic Achievement Jt Governance Mtg
SB Planning Meeting
SB Regular Meeting
SB Combined Meeting
SB Planning Meeting
SB Regular Meeting
SB Combined Meeting
SB Planning Meeting
SB Regular Meeting
SB Combined Meeting
SB Reorganization Meeting
SB Finance Joint Governance
SB Combined Meeting