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Strategic Plan

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Regardless of the sector, high-performing organizations understand the importance of strategy development and strategy implementation. The Pine-Richland School District Strategic Plan is designed to address a four-year time frame from 2023-2027. The plan is grounded in the mission, vision and values of the Pine-Richland School District and was approved by the board on June 12, 2023.

The plan was developed over eight months and reflects the input of over 400 people representing all stakeholder groups at Town Hall Meetings. Examples of participants include students, parents, community members, teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodial/maintenance staff, building administrators, key partners, district administrators and board members.  The Town Halls helped the district to refine long-term goals and short-term actions in the categories of Teaching and Learning, Student Progress and Engagement, Workforce Development, Finance and Operations, Pursuit of Excellence and Communications. Data and resources used to inform the strategic plan is available under Strategic Plan Resources. The strategic plan drives daily action and a culture of continuous improvement.

2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Previous Strategic Plans