Professional Development Committee
The Professional Education subcommittee should be comprised of the following:
- Six teacher representatives divided equally among elementary, middle, and high school teachers
- Two educational specialists including dental hygienists, school guidance counselors, home-school visitors, technology instructors, school psychologists, school restoration, and a nutrition service specialist.
- Two administrative representatives (chosen by the administrators)
- Two parents of children attending a school in the district
- Two local business representatives
- Two community representatives
Committee Presentations
Committee Members
Senior Leadership Team
Mr. Glickman, Director of Human Resources
Ms. Hasinger, Director of Communication
Dr. Paczan, Director of Student Services
Dr. Justus, Assistant Superintendent (Elementary)
Mr. Juzwick, Director of Financial and Operational Services
Dr. Miller, Superintendent
Dr. Pasquinelli, Assistant Superintendent (Secondary)
Mr. Stoebener, Director of Technology
Mr. Gironda, Athletic Director
Dr. Hernandez, HS Assistant Principal
Dr. Kuzilla, Asst. Director of Student Services/Sp. Ed.
Ms. Berezo, MS Assistant Principal
Mr. Rice, EHUE Assistant Principal
Mr. Rucker, Asst. Director of Facilities
Support Staff and Administrative Support
Ms. Duffy, HS Secretary / ESPA President
Ms. Will, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Williams, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Merhaut, Human Resources Specialist
School Board
Mrs. Brussalis, Board Member & Academic Achievement Subject Lead
Mrs. Hillman, Board Member & Student Services Subject Lead
Mrs. Terchick, Board Member & Vice President
Professional Staff
Mrs. Bianco, K-6 Intervention Specialist / Academic Leadership
Mr. Converse, HS Mathematics
Ms. Graham, MS FCS / Academic Leadership Council
Mrs. Miller, EHUE Counselor / Academic Leadership Council
Ms. Prins HE 1st Grade
Mr. Prucey, MS English
Mr. Roberts, HS Social Studies / Academic Leadership Council
Mrs. Schonbachler, HS Nurse / Academic Leadership Council
Mrs. Shenefiel, EH Librarian / Academic Leadership Council
Mr. Vins, WE 3rd Grade / PREA President / Academic Leadership
Mrs. Chiles, Parent
Dr. English, Parent
Ms. Frank, Business (First Commonwealth Bank)
Ms. Henderson, Community (Chatham Eden Hall)
Mrs. Hong-Bang, Parent
Mr. LeDuc, Parent
Mrs. George, PRUBO President & Past Graduate Parent
Mrs. Miller, Parent
Mrs. Norfleet, Parent
Mr. Geis, Community (Pine Township Parks & Recreation)
Mrs. Plowey, Parent
Ms. Ravotti, Parent
Mrs. Redlinger, Parent
Mr. Smalley, Parent
Mrs. Thorne, Community (Stepping Stones Executive Director)
Dr. Watkins, Community (A.W. Beattie Career Center)